And then he comes down from the mountain, and the healings begin.
Leprosy, paralysis, a fever, demon possession, paralysis (again), death, hemmorhaging, blindness, inability to speak.
But somehow the healings can't be reduced to the names of the illnesses -- we need to know the people who were healed, and something about them: So there is a centurian's servant, healed by command from a distance, a twelve year old girl, a man lowered on a mat through a roof by four of his friends, a man who was made an outcast by his skin disease, a woman who touches the hem of Jesus' robe. Oh, and Peter's mother-in-law. Among others.
I'm still getting my brain around Jesus' tough words in his sermon, and his compassionate acts here.

Jesus is putting together a really interesting group of followers.
so, how are you doing? Are you right on schedule? Behind? Take a deep breath. Don't worry. Catch up little by little.
What are you wondering most about in these passage of scripture?
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