Sunday, July 15, 2012

Day 45: Paul Appeals to Caesar

We are almost to the end of Acts.  It is all Paul's story now, and who knows how it will end?  He has come to Jerusalem to give offerings for the poor (against the advice of friends, remember), and he has been set up, accused and arrested.  Now, several different rulers have heard his story, and are deciding what is next for him.

Paul portrays himself in front of Felix as an observant Jew whose only offense is believing in what he calls "The Way."  Felix leaves Paul in prison until a new governor, Festus, is appointed, and then Paul presents his case to Festus.  Upon not receiving a sympathetic hearing, he appeals to Caesar.

Festus agrees.

King Agrippa and his with Bernice arrive with much fanfare.  There is some interesting conversation between Agrippa and Festus.  They agree that they don't really know what is going on.  When Paul's accusers stand before them, they don't present the case they expect.  Instead, they are arguing about a man named "Jesus."  What is going on?  They are puzzled.

King Agrippa wants to hear Paul for himself.  Festus promises that he will, tomorrow.

There seems to be so little overtly "spiritual" in these passages.  It is all about the courts and the accusations and the political machinations, and whether justice will be done or not.  But God is present here too, even though we don't know the end, or what will happen to Paul.

So, what is here that intrigues you?  Is it the name of the followers of Jesus "the Way"?  Is it the way that the government officials don't have any understanding of the issues of spiritual realities?  "Why do they care about this dead guy, Jesus?" they ask.   Or perhaps it's the way Paul takes every opportunity, whether in season or out of season, to speak about his faith, and give his testimony.  Paul is humble, but he is bold.  He appeals to Caesar for his life, but accepts his fate if fault is found in him.

"Whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord's."

So, what will happen next?

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